Walk With The Christ

5.21.06 DBC
Walk With The Christ
*“Just as in Christ God forgave you. Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Paul)
We, my family, are at the exciting time of witnessing baby Sophia’s first steps; there is an air of great anticipation in the Breedlove household concerning this matter! She is pulling up on the coffee table, beds, and couches to brace herself; she then lets go to stand and applaud her efforts. She is learning to walk; but she still prefers primarily to crawl, nevertheless, she is thoroughly now mobile!
The Scripture writers use walk as a metaphor for one’s lifestyle, behavior, and conduct. Long ago Jeremiah spoke God’s admonition to his people (the Jewish people):
“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls . . .” (Jeremiah 6.16)
Initially, there are a few things I want to explain about Paul’s words to the Ephesians before us today. Paul first encouraged the Ephesians Christians to follow the example of God in Christ and then to continue (walk) in that way of love.
* Christianity, one’s commitment to Christ, is an initial decision and an ongoing journey; it is an initial first step of faith in Christ and an ongoing active belief, lifestyle, and pursuit of God’s purpose in our life (Christlikeness).
Watchman Nee, a Chinese believer and pastor that was imprisoned in China for teaching and preaching Christianity, outlined the book of Ephesians as Sit, Walk, and Stand. Nee first noted the believer’s position in Christ; we are seated in the righteousness of Christ.
The Apostle Paul referred to believers as “dearly loved children.” When one first makes a decision to trust and commit their lives to Christ, the scripture teaches that the Christian is then hidden in Christ; When we first trust and commit our lives to Christ, Jesus becomes our righteousness and forgiveness.
Jesus does what we can’t do for ourselves; he becomes our holiness and perfect righteousness. We are forgiven and justified from our sin in and because of Christ.
Because God the father declared Jesus as his beloved Son in whom he was well pleased, when the believer is in Christ, God sees not our sin but Jesus’ righteousness. Jesus’ holiness, obedience, and selflessness are then imputed onto the one who trusts and commits their life to him.
The believer is not to stay static, however, we are called to walk in Jesus’ example and righteousness. In Christ, God does for us what we can’t do for ourselves but then once we receive Christ in our lives God then offers us his very Spirit to live and walk in Christ’s example of love, holiness, and towards selflessness.
The way of Christ and therefore the way of Christianity is sacrificial and selfless love.
So, if you are going to commit your life to Jesus and walk in his steps what will such a life look like?
Tony Campolo tells the story of a new Marine recruit that began his training at Paris Island:
“He was one of those young men who seemed to be a bit out of step with the norm, and he easily became the subject of ridicule for those picking on off beat people.
In the particular barrack to which this young marine was assigned, there was an extremely high level of meanness. The other men did everything they could to make a joke of the new recruit and to humiliate him. One day, someone came up with the bright idea that they could scare the daylights out of this young marine by dropping a disarmed grenade onto the floor and pretending it was about to go off. Everyone else knew about this and they were all ready to get a big laugh.
The hand grenade was thrown into the middle of the floor, and the warning was yelled, ‘It’s a live grenade! It’s about to explode!’
They fully expected that the young man would get hysterical and perhaps jump out a window. Instead, the young marine fell on the grenade, hugged it to his stomach, and yelled to the other men in the barracks, ‘Run for your lives! Run for your lives! You’ll be killed if you don’t!’
The other marines froze in stillness and shame. They realized that the one they had scorned was the one ready to lay down his life for them. And so it was with Jesus [and the way and example for all who would follow him]." (Campolo, Let Me Tell You a Story, 21.)
If then Christianity is a Journey, to where is the Christian headed and how do we make this journey?
It is both an internal and (I believe) external destination albeit closer than we commonly think of it as.
God in Christ by his Spirit is moving and transforming our very being from one of sinfulness to one of selflessness. Paul says that the way of love is the way that Jesus gave himself up as sacrifice.
*On this way we are called to Journey; in this faith we are called to walk; this Christian belief we are to live out in our daily lifestyle, and we are not alone.
God Spirit is always with the believer. And God has blessed us with one another. You are my brother and sister on this journey. I’m your brother on this journey and together let us walk with the Christ!

Together, Hand in Hand
If we should find ourselves,
Together on the same path,
Let me take your hand,
And you take my hand,
Do you hear the cry,
Of the coyote under the red sky,
Take my hand,
I’ll hold your hand,
When darkness covers us,
When the star’s glory breaks
Don’t let go of my hand,
I’ll hold your hand,
Lonely cry,
Draw nigh,
Reach out in the night,
Hold my hand tight,
Such a hard path,
A lonely path,
Sunder mood,
Reaching and rescuing,
Seeing and hearing,
Under red skies,
In front of approaching night,
Hold my hand,
I’ll hold your hand,
This lonely path we tread,
I’ll hold your hand,
Such a deadly path,
With incalculable math,
Encroaching darkness,
Pursuing sadness,
Do you hear the cry,
Of the coyote under the red sky,
Take my hand,
I’ll hold your hand,
If we should find ourselves,
Together on the same path,
Walk while holding my hand,
I’ll walk the way with you in trust holding your hand.